Israel Food Outreach
'Bless Israel and be Blessed' - Nearly 100% of your tax-deducible donation is passed to very grateful recipients,
And through this, bringing non-believers in Israel to the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ
A tax-deductible gift of just $29. helps hundreds of needy in Israel
Your Small gift provides for Huge Blessings!
Delivering Food to the hungry and help to Israel's elderly, orphans, widows & poor. Immediate help needed, act now
Providing Blessings of Hope, Love and Joy
for Israel's needy in the Land to include:
Your gift is 100% Tax Deductible. A receipt will be provided immediately for your records along with a complete year end accounting for
multiple or re-occuring contributions
Scripture says: "Bless Israel and be Blessed"
Numbers 24:9 Paraphrased
Click the Green Express Donation button (using any major credit card) and select from several different payment options available
Should you have any questions or need assistance
Please feel free to contact us, Link: CONTACT US
or for immediate assistance call: 714-497-1010
Start your 2021 off in faith with your gift of just $29.
and be blessed by it all year long
Please act now for a 2 for 1
Match dollar for dollar of your
tax-deductible contribution
Thus far with God's help we have provided over 30 Container Loads of Hope, Love and Joy including over 30 Million Servings of Nourishing Soup for Israel's needy
Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.
Acts 20:28
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
John 13:34