Israel Food Outreach   


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Ways we Help

Ways in which we help:

Food for the Needy

Volunteers at Gleanings for the Hungry packing 3 lbs of dried soup mix into plastic bags destined for the poor and needy in Israel…..42,000 lbs in each container. 

These bags of soup mix are distributed though the dedicated efforts of 70 plus organizations who for years have carried on an outreach to the hungry in Israel through their soup kitchens, carry on bags of groceries to shut-ins, homeless street people, etc. IFO, with your help, just underwrites the cost of getting the container shipped to Israel

Feed the Hungry Donate Now

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Matthew 5:16

Homebound Elderly

Israel Food Outreach was first established in 2010 with a strong mission to feed the hungry, the poor, the homeless, and the elderly in Israel.   

The Woman pictured above is elderly, has very little of anything, and can’t get around because of her health and extremely low income issues.

IFO helps keep this woman alive and going by delivering bags of soup mix from Gleanings For The Hungry via Israel Food Outreach. IFO also gifts the elderly in Israel with handmade quilts made by various congregations in America who’s quilting groups are a part of their church mission. 

Holocaust Survivors Donate Now

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

John 13:34

Meet Riya Poizner

Holocaust survivor, Riya Poizner, was born in 1923, became an attorney in Moscow after the war, moved to Netanya, Israel in 1993.

Her mother died in the camp from starvation. Riya succeeded in moving her body outside the death camp into a field where she buried her in a shallow grave, telling me she was grateful her mother was not shot by the Nazis.

Her complete story is powerful, and resonates with believers in our generation who, along with the Jews, pledges not to forget the horrors of the Holocaust. Riya concludes the interview by saying, “we must also love our enemies, despite what they did to us.” 

IFO blessed Riya with a quilt, made by Christians who support the Holocaust survivors in Israel

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Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which He obtained with his own blood.

Acts 20:28

Gifts of Love

In addition to supporting Israel Food Outreach and their soup mix, quilt and baby blanket ministry, TIKVAH RABAH supports directly 

Abundant Hope International, Be’ad Chaim, Shevet Achim, the Jewish Ethiopian refugees and the Domari Society of gypsies in Jerusalem. 

Glenda Reeves, the director, and her entire team of TIKVAH RABAH volunteers are very excited about the expansion of their operation to include the hand made items pictured here.  They are more than happy to accept additional help from any who have a heart for the needy in Israel.

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Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

 Hebrews 13:16

Gleanings for the Hungry

Israel Benevolence Fund

Calvary Chapels

Israel Food Outreach

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