Israel Food Outreach
MINISTRIES: Israel Food Outreach - a place of multiple ministries and 'loads' of good works
'Bless Israel and be Blessed' - Nearly 100% of your tax-deducible donation is passed to the grateful recipients.
And through this, bringing non-believers in Israel to the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ
Now there’s a remarkable way to know your giving is doing the best work possible and is honoring the Lord’s mandate to Bless His holy land of Israel
and bring souls to Jesus Christ.
Israel Food Outreach was born over 10 years ago with the sole purpose of providing food, both physical and spiritual, to those in need in Israel. They accomplish this mission by sending container loads of delicious and nourishing dried soup mix from the lush farm lands of California’s Central Valley to the shores of Israel by ship, then distribute it to people in need in all parts of God’s holy land
Nearly 100% of your tax deductible donation makes its way to the needy. You see Israel Food Outreach is all volunteer supported from management, the board of directors all the way to our ‘boots on the ground’ and everyone in between. There are no salary or weighted expenses through a network of dedicated volunteers.
IFO’s primary mission has always been their calling to feed the nation of Israel with physical food and through that intervention, to lead non-believers to Christ by reflecting Jesus in a spirit of excellence, in everything we say and do.
This has worked amazingly well over our many years of endeavor and is bearing fruit in most every part of Israel and beyond, with literally tens of millions of servings of food distributed throughout the Land.
More recently we have developed a robust quilting ministry allowing outside volunteers, church and sewing groups to make quilts for shipment – along with the soup mix – to virtually every part of Israel. Most of these efforts are to convey America’s love and concern for those who suffered so severely at the hand of Adolph Hitler and others.
This has expanded into a medical and clothing ministry as we seek new ways to show God’s love for His nation and to bring non-believing Jews and non-Jews to the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.
This is producing a great harvest in so many ways. In order to continue this vital work we are asking for help in several ways: First and foremost are your prayers for the continued success of this unique ministry.
Next, your gift in any amount is both needed and welcomed. Corporate and ministry sponsors can help with full container loads of food, quilts and other needed goods.
This can be structured in a way that full credit is given to your company, organization, or ministry including a nice wide banner draped across the container as it arrives by ship in Israel where hundreds of grateful recipients will receive from the benefit of your generocity Professional photos and video are provided to share with your members.
If your church, sewing or volunteer group would like to help with their gift of love, time and effort with quilts for Holocaust survivors, we work with several churches and other groups in this amazing blessing for God’s people.
It’s a great way to provide other than money and is always most appreciated by the wonderful people who receive of it. Please contact us for details on how to get started.
Sowing into good soil: Nearly 100% of your contribution is realized by the needy recepients in Israel. This work is vital for both the physical and spiritual needs of her people and remember it is written ‘Bless Israel and Be Blessed” (paraphrased Num 24:9)
Your tax deductible seed in any amount is greatly appreciated. In fact there’s now a 2 for 1 match to every dollar you donate. That’s because the food itself is supplied free of charge through the generosity of Gleanings for the Hungry, a ministry of the world wide and well renown WYAM (Youth with a Mission) ministry. All we are responsible for is the duty and freight of getting that food from California’s Central Valley to the various ports in Israel, then the final mile of one-on-one distribution to the many grateful recipients in the Land.
Once cleared by Israeli customs the food, quilts, clothing and other supplies are loaded on to trucks and fanned out to the far reaches of the nation. Everyone takes great pride in what they do and never miss an opportunity to tell of God’s great love and to lead non-believers to the love and joy of Jesus Christ.
To learn more please visit our contact us page and leave a brief message with your name and information. We will follow up with complete material on our non-profit serving Israel and the many opportunities that are available for you to partner with us in this truly blessed work of the Lord
Sow a seed of faith for a highly beneficial & prosperous new year - Prayerfully consider a one time gift or monthly pledge
Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.
Acts 20:28
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
John 13:34